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Simon:The policy paper “Partners and systemic competitors - How do we deal with China‘s state-controlled economy” by the Federation of German Industries (BDI) is comprehensive and addresses many important aspects of Chinese-German cooperation. The paper is critical of, but not unfriendly to China. I think that both sides are aware that they depend on each other and have to find compromises. At the same time, the paper leaves no doubt that the two political systems in China and Germany are fundamentally different. This is not of great importance at the pure business level, but where the state or the party on the Chinese side intervenes, it becomes critical. So far, these differences have been swept under the carpet. Due to the success of Chinese companies and, in particular, the numerous takeovers, awareness of the difference has risen sharply in Germany and other parts of the world. One does not always get the impression that this change is fully understood by the Chinese side. In the West, there are doubts as to whether the Chinese state or party is systematically keeping out of business issues. In my opinion, this is extremely important if China wants to continue to be as successful as before in exports and foreign investments. China must do everything it can to avoid further cases like Huawei. Trust is one of the most important elements in international trade. Of course, not everything is 100% separate in the West either. Whether and how Western secret services obtain business data can only be guessed at. But at least there are clear legal dividing lines that even apply to secret services. But German companies and associations should also accept that they cannot change certain political conditions in China. If one wants to do business with and in China, one has to accept the institutional framework there. Nevertheless, there is a right to equal and fair treatment and every partner should insist on this right.





新浪军事:最多军迷首选的军事门户!网贷平台忐忑迎考 深圳将出台备案后续时间表从2013年肇始至今,经历五年野蛮生长,2018年P2P网贷行业迎来史上最严大考。2017年底,P2P网贷风险专项整治工作领导小组办公室下发《关于做好P2P网络借贷风险专项整治整改验收工作的通知》(57号文)(以下简称《通知》),对P2P网贷行业前期的整治工作进行验收。通知要求,各地应在2018年4月底前完成辖区内主要P2P机构的备案登记工作,6月底之前全部完成备案。
