责任编辑:张国帅3月房企融资规模超2500亿 公司债成本降至5%左右今年3月以来,房企融资力度加大,融资规模不断攀升,融资形式日趋多样化。中原地产研究院统计数据显示,3月,房地产行业融资总规模超过2500亿元,日均融资规模超过百亿元,且成本普遍下降。无论是规模房企还是中小型企业,都在通过企业债、短期票据、配股等多种形式进行融资。
Simon:It is not the government that has created the strong mid-sized sector and the numerous Hidden Champions in Germany, rather the opposite is true. By providing a stable political environment and leaving them alone the mittelstand could flourish. And there is no single factor which explains the mittelstand’s and the Hidden Champions’ continuing success. Important factors are the entrepreneurial ambition to become the best in the world, focus on a narrow market, and globalization. The Hidden Champions are also very innovative, which is not a pure matter of technology but the integration of customer needs and technology. There is one are, though, where the government plays a decisive role, vocational training, a pillar of German competitiveness. The companies provide the practical training of apprentices and the government runs the vocational schools (Berufsschulen). The technical universities also play a key role in cooperating very closely with the companies.
Simon:I would not talk of a general overdependence of each country. This is one of the big advantages of globalization, it is a risk diversifier. If we do more and bigger trade with many countries it means that each country depends less on a single market. I would also not say, that the dependence is asymmetric. Germany depends very strongly on China as a target market. More so than China depends on Germany. On the other hand, China depends strongly on German investments and manufacturing competencies. There are about 8500 German companies in China. They run more than 2000 factories. In Taicang alonge there are more than 300 German companies. It would certainly not be good for China if this presence is impeded. I don’t have the impression that we can generally accuse Chinese acquirers of German companies for doing something improperly. For the vast majority the opposite is true. There are some cases of misconduct, but I hold that their percentage is lower than for American acquirers of German companies. Again, we experience a communication problem. The Chinese should communicate more openly on their plans. The press tends to pick up negative cases and blows them up, but it does not report if something runs smoothly.
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