这就是连锁反应。而且总会有衰退,衰退的本质就是连锁反应发生了。我们看到铁路领域已经受到连锁反应(影响),只是由于供应链中断之类的原因,现在的多式联运运输减少了。但是,你再看一下,在1942年,我当时买股票的时候——菲律宾即将沦陷。[LAUGHS] and the day I bought it, the Dow literally was down 2%.And 2%, that was only two points, literally. It broke 100 on the downside.[LAUGHS] But 2%, I felt it.I went to school in the morning and I bought thesethree shares. And when I came home at night, I already had a loss in them.[LAUGHS]
安迪·塞尔沃:是的。我是说,听起来特朗普总统可能会这么认为。WARREN BUFFETT:Yeah. Well, a lot of-- and, I mean, KayGraham did not tell Ben Bradlee what to write. I can—
安迪·塞尔沃:现在大家热议的另一个话题是学生债务。我知道你对于帮助学生感到非常自豪,这是你真正关心的事情吗?WARREN BUFFETT:Well, it would be a tough considerationfor me if I were going to school, whether I wanted to not only invest about a college,whether I wanted to invest the four years. I didn‘t want to go to college thatmuch when I went-- got out of high school. But not only the four years, but ifI had to incur, you know, hundreds of thousands of dollars in student debt, I--I don’t know which decision I would make.
安迪·塞尔沃:另一个观众提的问题,你那么成功,是什么让你和查理走下去的?WARREN BUFFETT:We have so much fun. I just talked to himthe other day for an hour. And we have fun every time we talk. And we arehaving-- we are doing what we love to do with people we love every day. And,you know, I‘ve been lucky on health. God knows, you know, how Charlie at 96 ofme at 89 with our habits and everything, it’s-- I don‘t know what it’s a testamentto. I think, actually, being happy in what you‘re doing makes a huge difference.