马上金融业绩的放量增长,也大幅度支撑了重庆百货的业绩。重庆百货表示,2018 年度投资参股的马上金融规模和盈利能力继续提升,实现净利润8亿元,持股马上金融 31.06%的股份,按照权益法核算长期股权投资,确认投资收益 2.47亿元,对重庆百货净利润影响重大。
Through an internal investigation prompted by a letter that the NIH sent to many academic research universities, Emory discovered that two of its faculty members named as key personnel on NIH grant awards to Emory University had failed to fully disclose foreign sources of research funding and the extent of their work for research institutions and universities in China。 Emory has shared this information with the NIH, and the faculty members are no longer employed at Emory。
李晓江表示,埃默里工作人员最近曾检查他的工作邮箱账号,此后就发生了解聘事件。“我不知道是什么事件导致埃默里大学在5月份检查我的电子邮箱,从而导致我和我妻子被解聘,没有任何通知,也没有机会让我们回应未经证实的指控”。But he said the termination came after Emory officials recently inspected material in his university email account。 “I do not know what triggered Emory University‘s examination of my emails in May 2019, which led to terminating my wife Dr。 Shihua Li and me simultaneously without any notice or opportunity for us to respond to unverified accusations,” he stated。