新业务“进与退”主体业务强劲发展之余,美团的新业务也首次实现了毛利率转正。美团在财报中披露,2019年二季度新业务及其他分部的收入较2018年同期25亿元增长85.1%,截至2019年 6月30日,二季度三个月收入46亿元。截至2019年6月30日止三个月,新业务及其他分部的毛利为4.21亿元,由负值转为正值,新业务毛利率为9.1%。
Simon:I hope that a viable solution can be found until the end of March. This is a real danger for China, for the US, and for Germany. Trump is incalculable. The book by his advisor Navarro is very strongly anti-China. But China should also change its strategy. As long as people think that they can steal technology the danger of a serious trade war will prevail. And if China and the US insist that they demonstrate their power a good outcome is endangered. Again realism is indicated. I hope that everybody involved understands the mutual interdependence and does not believe that anybody can win a trade war. There are no winners in a trade war as we know from the 1930s. In Germany we are very concerned. We depend more strongly on peaceful trade than both China and USA. Almost one half of our GDP comes from our exports. And many German companies which manufacture in China export their products from there to the US.