安迪·塞尔沃:好的。让我们来讨论一下债券收益率和利率。这是一个疯狂的话题。WARREN BUFFETT:It is really crazy.沃伦·巴菲特:这的确很疯狂。ANDY SERWER:Yeah. So what is your thinking on that?
如果你明智地投资了一家企业,你就会赚钱,那么你就必须买这家公司的股票。在我看来,如果你买了一家5年内都无法报价的公司,例如,明天证券交易所就要关闭5年,你会很高兴拥有这家公司。If you ownedCoca-Cola, it didn‘t make any difference in 1920 if it went public. Theimportant thing was what I was doing with customers. And you probably wouldhave been better off if there wasn’t any market in it for 30 or 40 years.Because then you wouldn‘t have gotten tempted to sell it. [LAUGHS] And you justwatch the business and you’d watch it grow and you‘d feel happy. So the-- theproper attitude toward investing is much more important than any technicalskills.
安迪·塞尔沃:回首这些年,你最值得骄傲的事情是什么?WARREN BUFFETT:Oh, I would-- well, I‘m-- I’m certainly--well, I have to give all the credit to my mother. But I‘m certainly proud of howmy children have worked out. I mean, that’s not easy, in a sense, having a namethat becomes famous or, you know, and thought of as having all kinds of money,although they don‘t. But all three of them are now in their 60s. In fact, you’relooking at a guy whose youngest child is 61. I mean that‘s-- [LAUGHS] andthey’ve all-- they‘ve all lived very productive lives. And they-- and they allget along fine with each other, and they-- and I’ve seen a lot of richfamilies. It doesn‘t always work out that way.
未来将重点投资疫苗和教育ANDY SERWER:And then you also said, we‘re wellprepared for a succession. It’s almost going to be embarrassing, how well.