Q: First question, China‘s Ministry of Culture and Tourism just released this information。 In view of the current cross-strait relations, it decided to suspend the individual travel of residents of 47 mainland cities to Taiwan from August 1。 Taiwan media say this is related to Tsai Ing-wen’s recent transit in the US and her blatant remarks on the recent protests in Hong Kong。 What is your comment on that? Second question, yesterday you said the Hong Kong-related article in Rodong Sinmun is a voice of justice while criticizing US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo‘s comments on Hong Kong。 Some in Hong Kong say this is double standards。 Do you have any response to that? Third question, the media just reported that the trade talks in Shanghai were very short。 Does that signal an unsuccessful meeting? Besides, President Trump tweeted that China has been flip-flopping, and that if China wants to wait until he gets re-elected next year, the deal they get will be much tougher than what we are negotiating now。 What’s your comment?
相关新闻: 平安银行回应异常利率交易:已暂停相关交易员权限以下为公告全文:2019年7月2日,平安银行和招商银行在银行间债券回购市场达成DR001为0.09%的异常利率交易。经两家银行自查,为交易员操作失误所致。全国银行间同业拆借中心现对平安银行和招商银行进行通报批评,要求两家机构加强风险控制和内部管理,并依据《银行间本币市场交易员管理办法(试行)》(中汇交发〔2014〕196号),暂停平安银行和招商银行相关交易员的银行间本币市场交易员资格1年。