CNS:Recently, China once again demonstrates the high commitments to the opening-up policy, and further optimizes the negative list and ownership percentage for foreign investment. How do you evaluate China‘s determination and actions towards a more open economy and what opportunities will this bring to German companies?
海外网12月12日电 智利一架C-130运输机于当地时间10日被军方确认坠毁,搜救行动持续展开。据智利军方最新消息,疑似飞机残骸被发现,或来自失事飞机。据BBC消息,当地时间11日,智利空军表示,发现疑似失事飞机的漂浮残骸,位置距离C-130运输机最后一次被定位地点30公里远的地方。残骸在德雷克海峡水域中被发现。
Simon:Of course as everybody knows the technological progress of China has by far surpassed the expectations of the past. Nobody would have thought only ten years ago that China could reach the current status within such a short time. In Germany we talked of the “economic miracle” in the 1950s. The Chinese “economic miracle” is at least as impressive, if not more impressive, than its German predecessor. But again I call for realism. The pride of the enormous progress must not seduce China to become overly self-confident and complacent. In many areas the United States is still the technology leader and will remain in that position for many years to come. The recent ZTE case is a telling example. Airbus is a strong European company. But according to its CEO 90% of the electronics in the Airbus planes are from the US.